Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Avoiding The News, Time To Blog

It seems like today was a busy day.  Roseanne did something (I'm sure you heard, I didn't delve into it too much), and a couple hours ago the Governor of my state- Missouri, decided he had enough and resigned.  I don't blame him, and while I don't want to go into detail too much, I'm glad he did so this chapter can finish up quickly.  Anyways, with the temperature rising outside its made things a bit too much for me so I need to escape the news and decided to blog.  I guess its been a while, but with a few items I recently scanned (as in scanned today) I guess I have stuff to show off.

Someone tweeted the new issue of SI For Kids last week and I waited patiently for mine to come in the mail.  And it didn't come.  Then I worried, not because of my mail mishaps but because I was on the verge of an expiring subscription.  I found another free subscription but wasn't sure it went through in time.  Luckily the magazine was just a day late.  I found out it is my last issue, so if the subscription didn't go through I might miss some cards for a month or two.  At any rate, these eight cards are pretty nice, but it wasn't the reason I was excited.  That would be this card...

I'm not in Ohtani-mania like others, but I was still happy to get one of his cards.  Actually it was my second of the week as I bought a box of Bowman and pulled one of his cards.  I might show off that box a little later but for now this is what I got.  My only complaint is my mailman folds the magazine each month and the Ohtani was a middle card so it was folded.  Oh well, its fine.  As for Ohtani-mania, I have to admit I've noticed most bloggers aren't really caught up in it either, so there's that.

Earlier today I mad a trip to Savvy Seconds, my local second hand store.  It's been a while since I've been and didn't have much expectations, but did find a couple good items.

The funny thing is, I haven't even seen this entire movie but the scene I always see is good enough reason to buy this DVD.  This was one of Bernie Mac's last films and the same goes for Isaac Hayes.  I've been watching my TV with an antenna lately and one of the channels is Bounce which allows me to catch the Bernie Mac show.  I forgot how good it was, but I wasn't much of a fan when it originally aired.  Anyways, I couldn't pass it up for a buck.  I could and did pass up pretty much the entire DVD collection of the TV show Private Practice.  I never watched it and even though I could have gotten 5 of the 6 or 7 seasons for around 20 bucks, I didn't want to.

The only other item I got was actually card related.

I give a lot of crap to Beckett but I found this for 10 cents, and its a few months old, so I had to get it.  In fact, this is the first issue I've ever seen of Vintage Collector.  With a $10 cover price, I think I got a good deal.  I haven't looked at it too much yet, but do like that it covers four sports.  I don't think I have too many cards that would be covered in this, but I'll find out what a George Brett rookie goes for according to Beckett.

So before I wrap things up, I wanted to take a moment to post a picture of me at a comedy club a few years ago.

I'm standing between two funny comedians.  On the left is Greg Henderson, and on the right is Spanky Brown.  I've known of Spanky for about 10 years and in that time he's hosted a few radio shows and podcasts and I've listened to almost all of them.  He's been featured on shows like Bob and Tom, and on BET's Comic View.  Much to my surprise a couple weeks ago his sister posted on Facebook that he passed away.  It was a big blow because it was so unexpected.  He had just posted the day before on Facebook and Twitter promoting his shows for the weekend and making some jokes.  Even though he had some fame, he still wrote back to everyone that wrote him on his social media accounts.  In 2008 or 2009 my best friend and I started a podcast (on Blog Talk Radio) and within a couple weeks Spanky came on our radar and ever since we been in communication.  I'm not really sure what I'm going to miss the most, his meme's he posted on Facebook, his weekly "Laundry Day" Facebook Live posts, his radio show theme song, or going back and forth on twitter cracking jokes.  His love of the Dallas Cowboys and the Memphis Tigers were unmatched.  His radio shows incorporated a lot of sports talk into them and if you wanted to listen to a good show just mention the name Len Bias.  "He could have been bigger than Jordan".  His jokes knew no boundaries, and if he offended someone, he took it as an honor.  I mentioned I had a couple jokes but were afraid they'd be too offensive.  He told me "as long as someone finds humor in it, nothing is off limits".  Every time since his passing when something happened, I would just imagine how Spanky would tackle the issue.  He'd say stuff like- "Roger Goodell, GET IN THE DAMN BED!" or "Roseanne, you need to drink some bleach".

I remember talking to him the night that picture was taking and how he said he got to town earlier then expected.  When we asked Spanky and Greg why, they was like "all I can say is all those Walmarts south of here must have ran out of those Confederate flags.  Damn, we was going 85 just to get out of Jackson."  Spanky's real name was Byron Yeldell and his funeral and burial is this week in Memphis where he will be given military honors.  I didn't know him in his younger days, but for the last 10 year I can say it was an honor knowing him, and only wish so many more would have got to know him.  After he passed, I spent the night looking on Youtube trying to find some of his best bits.  They are hard to find, but it was a good way to honor someone I called a friend.

So with that, I guess that wraps it up for today.  With the temperature in the 90's this week, I might have more time to scan and blog.  I'm hoping the weather will cool down this weekend as a lot of towns around here are having city wide garage sales and I hope to hit some up.  If I'm lucky I should find a few deals.  Anyways, thanks for reading and have a great night.

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