Monday, January 18, 2016

Hell Freezes Over

In a quest that began over a year ago, I am glad to announce that I have finally finished sorting my entire Royals collection (minus a couple cards).  It took a lot longer than it should, but its done now.  I have also finished adding all the cards back to my Trading Card Database account.  It will be the most accurate way to see what I have, but I also plan on updating my spreadsheets soon as well.  I have already started and hope to have them updated in the next week or two.  I have finished my Completed Sets spreadsheet as well, so I have made some progress.

I have also made updates on my other pages on here as well, and hope to give more updates soon.  As of now, I have updated my want lists until 1980 and will work on the rest soon.  As a reminder, my lists aren't solicitations for cards, but for me to see what I have and don't have.  If a card isn't listed on the complete sets or on the want list, it means I don't have cards from that set yet.  In the future I will add the other sets I want, but for now I will only add what I have started.

In addition I will be adding more cards to my TCDB page soon of other cards I have (I have started with some football), and later cards I have they I no longer want, and will add to my trade list.  I will give updates when all this is done.  I'm just happy I got all the Royals done. After I get caught up on the want lists, I will try knocking off some of my goals this year.

No pictures today, sorry, but nothing to really show (I did add a picture on my completed sets page), but in closing I wanted to mention the passing of Glenn Frey.  I named the post Hell Freezes Over because that seemed  like when I'd finally finish the Royals sorting.  It was also the name of the 1994 Eagles album.  I read an interesting tidbit a bit ago about that.  Frey and Don Henley have said they didn't break up in the 80's due to fighting.  However when fans would ask when they would reform they would respond "When Hell Freezes Over".  I don't regret not going to many concerts, but the biggest one I do regret is not going to see Eagles play at Mizzou Arena a few years ago.  I really wanted to, and could have gone even getting time off from work, but I am tight with my money, and didn't want to pay the price for tickets they were selling for.  I think the cheapest was $75 bucks and $150 for the good seats.  Looking back I probably should have went, it would have been the biggest concert I ever went to and likely the best show I'd see.  While I admit I like Don Henley's solo stuff slightly better than Frey's, unlike Henley, I never heard an unkind word about Frey.  He also was a good friend with Bob Seger, which is always a good thing in my book.  R.I.P. Glenn Frey, you will be sadly missed.


  1. Congrats on getting everything sorted - that's a task too daunting for me to even want to think about doing so for my collection. Also, I too was pretty bummed to hear about Glenn Frey; the Eagles have been amongst my favorite bands since I was old enough to make my own decisions about music. It's been a rough winter for musicians - Scott Weiland, Lemmy, Bowie and now Frey. Jeeze!

  2. Congrats on the sorting. Yeah that is something I keep saying I'll get around to, might have to borrow your title there.

    RE: Eagles I saw Don Henley solo in concert back in 85 or 86, never saw the Eagles as a band in concert or Glenn Frey.

  3. That is quite an accomplishment. When I first started blogging I was making an attempt to scan cards into a database, but it was just to time consuming. Right now my focus is getting things into binders and then maybe one of these days I can come up with an actual list.
